The address of the new location is 7301 William Howton Road, Mulga AL 35118
The GPS coordinates are: 33.53066 by -87.08971
Our operating location is in Sylvan Springs. Talk in on the 146.88 repeater and 146.58 simplex.
We are under the guyed tower. (not the self support tower)
We had a tremendous event in 2019 and we want to keep the momentum going. Set-up Begins on Saturday morning, January 27th at 8:00 A.M. Individuals who have volunteered so far are:
Deryll Whittle, WD4IGK: HF Station Captain
Mark, NR4J, HF digital Station captain
Ronnie, WX4HAM, HF Station captain
Food: Saturday breakfast: bacon and eggsSupper: Chili
Desert: Cookies
Contact Mark if you would like to volunteer for any position
Things we have: generator, AC extension cables, shelters, 12 volt batteries, microwave oven, Mesh nodes, antenna launcher.
Things we need: station operators, folding tables, folding chairs, CW operators, laptop computers, food captain (grill master).